01788 228608

February 25, 2024

Time for your meds


Andrew Beaumont

The end of the financial year is almost upon us.


This is the time that you, as a business owner, are assessing how the previous year has gone, while looking forward to the next one.


If your business is going in the right direction, then you will be looking forward to 2024.  Usually, April will be the time to reset and reallocate your annual budget, and you may be looking to expand your team.




However, you may be experiencing growing pains.


You may be in that limbo period between growth and profitability, where you want to grow your team but you’re not sure about how this would impact the business financially.


This could be explained by the ‘change curve’ theory.


Sometimes, in business, you have to take a step back before taking two forward.  The investment in your business may seem daunting, but it will make you much stronger in the long term.


It’s a good problem to have.




I was in this position a couple of years ago, and again last year.  Very early on in my business, I knew that outsourcing was imperative to the success of my business.  I saw it work for others and I was determined to make it work for me.


Today, I have a great team.  And I don’t just mean my employees – I mean all the people around me, such as a great accountant, a brilliant virtual assistant, and a fantastic marketing specialist.


However, it was the expansion of my direct staff – the people I was going to employ to expand my team – that was the most daunting.


At the time, it seemed like a massive leap.  However, my business coach at the time (and my current business coach too) helped me to understand the long-term strategy behind such decisions.




If you are planning to expand your team, this is where you need as few distractions as possible. Don’t let HR be a distraction.


As an independent HR consultancy, me and my team help business owners and employers to navigate the minefield of recruitment and expansion.  Over the years, we have seen it all, and when it comes to your team, there is nothing we can’t help with.


One of the biggest issues is talent acquisition – recruiting the right people – especially in highly competitive industries.  Attracting and retaining top talent can be challenging.


And, of course, should you find the right person, a cultural fit into the team dynamics is imperative for success.  Growing a team while preserving the company culture can be challenging; and ensuring new hires align with the existing team's values and work well together is crucial.  


In this case, my team and I can undertake recruitment, interviews, and onboarding – while also working with you to develop and maintain a positive workplace culture.


As I work on a retained model, I work with you long-term to support your expansion plans, from recruitment and employee development, through to retention and ongoing support.




Hiring people and expanding your team isn’t as simple as it sounds.


You will need to stay on the right side of the law.  I have often seen that navigating employment laws and regulations can be a hurdle for expansion.


Did you know there are significant employment law changes being implemented in April, and that all of them benefit the employee?


I make sure I stay on top of all the legislation, legal requirements, and contracts, so you don’t have to.  There is so much to learn, and I don’t keep it to myself.  I work alongside my clients to help them make informed decisions that align with their growth plans and success goals.




Do you have a people plan?  Do you need help with your growing pains?


I help businesses with traditional HR but also other things that will help you push forward with your expansion plans.


If you are reviewing your budgets for the new financial year, and considering hiring to expand your team, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Our work is about long-term relationships.  HR isn't here to fix issues and problems (although we do that too) – we are here to support you in business and make sure that we are proactive, not just reactive.

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