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February 22, 2023

The month to get engaged


Andrew Beaumont

February is the month to get engaged.

As you may have gathered (seeing as you are reading my blog on this website), I have found a tenuous link between HR and Valentine’s Day.

Most of us probably know at least one person who got engaged on 14th February.

However, this blog is about having an engaged workforce,and what the benefits are.

State of the global workforce

According to a survey by Gallup – titled ‘State of the Global Workforce’ – less that one in ten employees (in the UK) are engaged in the workplace – only 9% of workers feel enthusiastic about their work.  

This statistic is considerably lower than the European average of 14%.

Getting engaged is a good thing

Increasing and improving employee engagement will have positive effects on both your team and your organisation.  As a HR consultant, I would say this is imperative to the long-term success of the business. 

When your staff feel like they are part of a team, they will be happier, which in turn leads to better outputs.  Better outputs are great for you, of course, but praise for your team will go a long way to raising their engagement levels – we all thrive on success.

Over time, your team will become brand ambassadors and advocates for the organisation.  So, when they talk to others about work, they talk about the company in a good light, which creates a positive view in others.

This creates a wider network of people who view your organisation positively, which ultimately helps to improve your brand equity – you become synonymous with the product or service you offer.

For example, you could buy any cola drink, but you are most likely to buy Coca Cola because of the brand equity.  Conversely, the brand equity in Twitter is diminishing since Elon Musk starting firing his staff (that's another blog in itself).

Reasons to outsource HR

I help employers and business leaders to improve engagement by implementing strategies which help them to better understand their employees.

I always say ‘your people are your biggest asset’, and treating your employees as individuals will achieve long term success, and help them to feel like and become assets to your business.  

Learning more about them, such as their hobbies, their families, and their life outside of work, will help you to understand how all this this affects them in the work environment.

As a HR consultant, I help to instil the right values throughout your team, and make sure that they are all individual and valuable parts of the same team.  In turn, this will help to raise their engagement levels.

If you would like to discuss strategies to keep your team engaged all year round (not just February), then please do not hesitate to get in touch today.

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