01788 228608

November 25, 2021

I should be on stage (or perhaps I shouldn’t)


Jessica Pilling

Comfort zones exist for a reason.

After all, it’s nice to feel comfortable, isn’t it? They provide a sense of safety and confidence that comes from knowing what to expect.

But on the other hand, comfort zones can also get in the way of growth. They hold us back from trying new things and stepping out into the unknown.

Feel the Fear

Last week I did something completely out of my comfort zone.

I was given a huge opportunity to speak on stage at a large event, namely MABX - Martial Arts Business Xtreme). A 2 day event in Warwickshire that is attended by martial arts school owners from across the country.

Having been given a half-an-hour block to speak, it was safe to say I was panicking slightly.

I was talking about ‘employment made easy’. I knew the subject matter, I knew what to say and I’d written my presentation. And still, I was terrified.

I don’t speak on stage - I’ve done it once in my life. So to say it’s out of my comfort zone would be an understatement.

When the day arrived, there were so many fantastic speakers and with each one, I felt myself slouching lower and lower in my chair. I’d written cue cards out as well as prompts for myself as I didn’t have many slides. No one else was using cards.

But I knew I would be fine, because I had to be. It was too late to back out now! So I stepped out of my comfort zone and onto the stage in front 150 people.

Despite not being a natural speaker, I coped much better than I thought I would. I spoke for thirty minutes about being northern, the importance of knowing your staff as individuals, mental health in the workplace, and Basil the dog (obviously).

It went well, judging by the applause, as well as the six new client leads even before I got out of the room. It was a fantastic event, incredibly well organised, with a huge, engaged audience.

Something I wouldn’t have experienced if I hadn’t taken that step out of my comfort zone and onto the stage.

The Domino Effect

As an employer, you should not only be finding opportunities to step out of your own comfort zone but also encouraging the same from your people.

In fact, research shows that stepping out of your comfort zone actually leads to greatly increased productivity, creativity, and the ability to cope with unexpected changes and further your success.

Therefore by helping staff to learn new skills or facilitating them to accept new challenges, opportunities and duties, you will increase employee satisfaction with their job which then positively impacts the overall success of the business.

And the good news is that once you take that first step, it just gets easier.

Your comfort zone expands and as soon as you’ve done something once, or your new skill or behaviour becomes the new ‘normal’, you will be motivated to take on even more challenges, perform even greater tasks and keep building on top of your skills.

This boosts positivity, self-belief and productivity further, so your comfort zone and your ability to step outside it just keeps on growing… and then the cycle continues.

Just think of the impact this could have on your people and your business.

As employers, it is your responsibility to facilitate the process – and the more it takes you out of your own comfort zone, the better!

Next Steps

If you would like to discuss your working provisions and ensure you’re supporting your employees to reach their full potential, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I’m here to help.

Just drop me an email ( or pick up the phone (01788 228608) and we can figure out the best plan of action for you.

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